Authentic Mosh Apparel (AMA) is the gap that the rock and metal scene has been missing. Where a metal show is so is a mosh pit. Moshing has been around as long as the OUR MUSIC has existed.
But AMA, strives to be something more than the negative stereotypes that surround our community. A want to be free of the judgement and stigma that unfortunately surrounds us. As well as the grit and determination to say “ Fuck your Judgement”, along being proud to show our real colors whether it be at home, dinner, or where we are most comfortable at a show. Authentic Mosh Apparel stands above classless Judgements of race, sex, creed, political views, or religion, to stand as one and be proud of the music we listen to, and the chaos of the shows we go to..
0% non sense 0% B.S. 0% Drama